Proactive health management plays a huge role in helping people age happily and healthily.
What You Should Know About Healthy Aging
by Heidi Schwarzwald, MD   (NAPSI)—Seniors, caregivers and their families and support systems should prioritize certain steps to promote healthy aging—many of which can happen from the …
Follow these expert tips to have a safe, happy and healthy Halloween and fall season with pets.
Veterinarian-Approved Tips for Transitioning Pets to Fall Routines
by Dr. Whitney Miller   (NAPSI)—With fall in full swing, pets and pet parents face new routines, shorter days and busier schedules, especially with Halloween around the corner. While …
One Woman’s Journey with Vision Loss and What You Need to Know
(BPT) - Mary, a devoted mother, grandmother and educator, gradually found herself struggling to distinguish contrasting colors, a subtle but unsettling change that impacted her daily routine. While …
Hannah Corbin shares her journey with Hashimoto’s disease
(BPT) - Hear from Peloton instructor, Hannah Corbin, as she opens up about the challenges and triumphs she experienced on her journey to receiving a Hashimoto’s disease diagnosis. If …
Living Boldly with Glioma: Jennifer’s Story of Resilience
(BPT) - One woman shares her story of hope living with a rare and aggressive brain cancer.Jennifer’s* story begins in a small town in Alabama where she was born into a loving family. From a …
Health news for your family
3 ways expressing gratitude can make you happier and healthier
(BPT) - At a time when even the most optimistic of us can’t help but get stuck on the negative, science tells us that tapping into our sense of gratitude is a shortcut to feeling more grounded. …
Tips to Be Prepared for Cooler Weather
(Family Features) Despite the old adage that "you'll catch your death of cold," the cold itself doesn't cause illness. More accurately, the cold is more hospitable to viruses, making it easier for them to spread.
(NewsUSA) - The ScanEase OneSense device is a screening tool for diagnosing breast cancer. The device facilitates an examination that is accessible to patients of any age and body type, allowing for …
The Importance of Managing Bad Cholesterol: What You Should Know
(BPT) - Sponsored by Novartis Pharmaceuticals CorporationDid you know that in the US, nearly half of all adults have some type of cardiovascular disease (CVD), also referred to as known heart …
Parents: What you need to know about meningitis
(BPT) - College student Jamie Schanbaum was studying at the University of Texas at Austin, just 19 years old, when she was rushed to the hospital with severe symptoms that seemed related to asthma or …

Student debt is taxing young people's mental health

The Economic Hardship Reporting Project and Teen Vogue examine the different ways student debt is affecting young people's mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

It’s Time to Help Protect Yourself from the Flu and COVID-19

You can schedule an appointment for the seasonal flu vaccine, as well as COVID-19, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and pneumococcal pneumonia vaccinations at your local CVS Pharmacy at
(NAPSI)—While there’s no distinct COVID-19 season like there is for the flu, it’s been shown that COVID-19 can peak during the winter months. To help fight respiratory illnesses, it’s …
Empowering women with affordable wellness solutions for total well-being
(BPT) - When we talk about women’s wellness, physical, mental and emotional health often take center stage, but there’s another key aspect that’s just as important: sexual wellness. …
The Truth About Women and Heart Disease
(Family Features) Heart disease is the leading cause of death among women in the United States. Consider these recommended steps for women looking to improve their heart health.
Guard Against COPD at Every Stage of Life
(Family Features) There is no cure yet for COPD, but these strategies can help protect your lung health at every age.
One Woman's Path to Finding Treatment for Narcolepsy
(Family Features) Narcolepsy is a complex, lifelong sleep disorder that includes symptoms like cataplexy and excessive daytime sleepiness and is estimated to affect 1 in 2,000 Americans.
Signs & Symptoms of Sarcopenia: What You and Your Caregiver Need to Know
Signs & Symptoms of Sarcopenia: What You and Your Caregiver Need to Know
(NewsUSA) - As we age, maintaining physical fitness and the ability to move our body easily becomes more important to our overall well-being. However, an often-overlooked condition known as …
More health news
Los expertos animan a los cuidadores a prepararse para la temporada de enfermedades respiratorias
Los expertos animan a los cuidadores a prepararse para la temporada de enfermedades respiratorias
(NewsUSA) - Si eres uno de los 1 de cada 5 estadounidenses que cuida de un cónyuge, padre, hijo, adulto mayor o alguien con condiciones de salud crónicas, discapacidades o necesidades …
By taking an online survey you can help millions of people with liver disease­—maybe even yourself—get the treatment they need.
Help Shape the Future of Liver Health
(NAPSI)—If you or a loved one are among the nearly 100 million Americans affected by liver disease, consider joining the American Liver Foundation Patient Registry . By sharing your story, you can …
More people are talking about executive dysfunction—but what exactly is it?
Tile compiled research to take a closer look at the causes of executive dysfunction and how people dealing with it can manage its effects.
How to get out of a funk: Six expert tips
Rula explains how to cope when you find yourself in a funk.
Fall Respiratory Virus Vaccines: What pregnant people need to know
(Family Features) Getting vaccinated for flu, COVID-19 and RSV during your pregnancy lets you pass protection to your baby.
News for a healthful life

Fact or Fiction: Debunking Top Myths About Erectile Dysfunction

(BPT) - Sponsored by Boston ScientificErectile dysfunction (ED) can be frustrating and confusing for both a man and his partner. ED, or the inability to achieve or maintain an erection that is firm …

Prostate Cancer Awareness Month: Myths vs. Facts about a Leading Cancer

(BPT) - Sponsored by Boston ScientificProstate cancer is the second most common cancer found in men in the U.S., with about 1 in 8 men getting diagnosed in their lifetime. The risk of prostate cancer …

The only FDA-approved nasal spray medication proven to reduce symptoms in people living with treatment-resistant depression

(BPT) - Clinical depression or major depressive disorder (MDD) is one of the most common mental health disorders, with almost 21 million adults in the United States having experienced at least one …

Boost your health this fall with 5 expert tips

(BPT) - Do you find that your health and fitness take a back seat during the fall and winter months? As the temperatures drop and the days grow shorter, it can be difficult to motivate yourself to …

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune disease, not a cosmetic issue

(BPT) - It started with a tiny patch — the size of a walnut, round and smooth. At 21, Deirdre Nero was puzzled by her sudden hair loss — she was studying abroad in Spain when she noticed …

Beyond the Court: The Inspiring Journey of the First NBA Player Living with Relapsing Multiple Sclerosis

(BPT) - When Chris Wright reflects on his professional basketball career, he describes it as “challenging, rewarding, and not without obstacles.” But that’s not only because of the …

Making the Grade with Medicaid and CHIP

(BPT) - Back-to-school season is in full swing, which means it’s time to make sure your kids have the essentials they need for a successful school year. Health coverage should be at the top of …

Professional Basketball Player Speaks Up About Living with Moderate-to-Severe Eczema On and Off the Court

(BPT) - Many people think of eczema as a mild, itchy skin disease, and don’t realize how intense signs and symptoms can become. However, those living with moderate-to-severe forms of the …

From bladder cancer to running half marathons: One patient’s journey

(BPT) - Julio, a 49-year-old engineer and avid runner, discovered an alarming sign of trouble right after completing a half-marathon: blood in his urine. He promptly consulted a doctor, which led to …