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Three Tie For Emmet County Fair Queen Title

apeterson@esthervillenews.net   Three young women hope to become the 2024 Emmet County Fair Queen. Addison Robinson, Jo Oleson, and Addison Kruse are this year’s contestants. The 2024 …

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Coffee & Company

Coffee and Company was started in April 2023 when Jan Wolf and Mary Lowe started calling ladies to notified them about having coffee at the Bancroft Library. Erin Fraker, who was the library director …

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Closer to the Goal

Lisa Boyer had the honor of coloring in the goal thermometer on Monday following the announcement that the City of Ringsted has been awarded a $20,000 grant for the renovation of the Library.   …

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Corn and bean fields are looking more like lakes and ponds after the devastating flooding from the rain that hit the area over the weekend.   Flooding of homes and businesses were reported but …